
The Bachelor of Science in Fisheries (BSF) is a four-year-degree program designed to teach courses in ichthyology, aquatic biology and ecology, fish culture and breeding , aquaculture engineering, hatchery management, fish nutrition, fish health, fish capture, fishery laws, coastal resource management, research design and methods, aquatic post-harvest and entrepreneurship with interdisciplinary information from different fields like biotechnology, economics, genetics, meteorology and oceanography.

The goals of the Fisheries Program are to produce globally competitive graduates in the areas of sustainable aquaculture, capture fisheries, aquatic resources and ecology, and post-harvest; fisheries professionals imbued with high level of integrity, nationalism and ethical standards; and professionals with knowledge, skills and positive attitudes in fisheries research, resource management, instruction, extension, production and marketing.

By the time of graduation, the students are able to articulate and discuss the latest developments in specific field of practice; effectively communicate orally and in writing; work effectively and independently in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams; develop, operate and manage aquaculture production systems; and utilize fisheries resources using innovative fishing methods which are responsible and sustainable.

The Fisheries Board Examination is a competency requirement upon completion of the degree program for the graduate to qualify as Fisheries Professional.

Career Opportunities

Graduates may pursue higher education in the master and doctoral programs in aquaculture, fisheries science, aquatic sciences and allied fields like biological and environmental sciences.

Career paths are in the academe, government and private institutions. Specifically, graduates may apply as instructor/professor, researcher, aquaculturist, aquaculture technician, aquacultural technologist, fishing regulations officer, sales representative, sales manager, fishery officer, field officer, farm manager, fisheries extension officer, entrepreneur, product developer, quarantine officer, law enforcer and the likes.